Application for section change – with Examples

In our school times, we may face this issue of changing sections.Within the process of section change, our friend got the different sections from us in this situation we need to write an Application for section change.

Here I am providing, Application for section change – with Examples.

Application for section change


The Principal,
Delhi Public School,

Date – 18 July 2022

Subject – Application for Section Change

Dear Ma’am/Sir,
I Kavya, a student of class 9, section C, want to request you to change my section from C to A. This is because all my friends are in section A and I am having difficulties adjusting to my new class which is affecting my performance.

Also, my friends in Section A live close to my home and if I change my section, we can all travel together and do our assignments together, which helps me a lot in my studies. Kindly consider my request and change my section.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Roll No.- 23

Application for section change – Example 1


The Principal,
[School Name]
[School Address]


Subject – Application for changing section. 

Respected Miss/Sir,
I am [Your Name] from grade [Class], and my section is currently ‘D’.

With the medium of this application, I lay a formal request to you as I need a change in my section from ‘D’ to ‘A’.

The reason I ask for a change in my section is that all my previous batchmates are in section A and the subject teachers are familiar to me as they have taught me in the past. Being in section ‘D’ is quite uncomfortable for me.

I hope you will consider my request and help me by changing my section. 

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

[Section – D]
[Roll no.]

Application for section change – Example 2


The Bright Future High School,
New Delhi

Subject: Request for class section change

Dear Sir,
My name is Mohan, and I am a student in 7th B. I request a section change from the current section B to section C. This request is because I am not comfortable with my classmates in my current section, and I feel that I would do better in another section.

I have also spoken to my parents about this, and they agree with my decision. I hope that you will consider my request and approve it as soon as possible.

Thanking you,


Mohan Mishra
Class – 7th B
Roll No. – 15

Application for section change – Example 3


Blue River High School,

Subject: Request for section change due to Chemistry teacher

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is Riya, and I am a student of class 10th B.I would like to request a section change due to my chemistry teacher. I have been struggling in chemistry ever since she started teaching us. I have tried my best to improve, but I am still unable to understand the concepts. I have even spoken to her about it, but she doesn’t seem to be willing to help me.

I hope you will consider my request and allow me to change sections. I would be more comfortable in another section where the chemistry teacher is more helpful. I would be able to focus better and do well in my exams.

Thank you,

Riya Verma
Class – 10th B
Roll No. – 21

Application for section change – Example 4

Here is an Application for section change written by parents.


Heritage Kindergarten,

Subject: Request for section change of my daughter

Dear Sir,
I am the father of Shilpi, currently studying in Class 5th A in your school. I would like to request a change of section for my daughter from Section A to Section C.

The reason for this request is that my daughter is not adjusting well in the current class and is finding it difficult to follow the curriculum. I have discussed this matter with the class teacher, and she has suggested that a change of section might be beneficial for my daughter.

We would appreciate it if you could consider our request and let us know at your earliest convenience.

Thank you.


Saurabh Mehta
[Father of Shilpi]
Class – 5th A
Roll No.- 34

Application for section change – Example 5


The Principal,
Delhi Public School,

Date – 18 July 2022

Subject – Application for Section Change

Dear Ma’am/Sir,
I Kavya, a student of class 9, section C, want to request you to change my section from C to A. This is because all my friends are in section A and I am having difficulties adjusting to my new class which is affecting my performance.

Also, my friends in Section A live close to my home and if I change my section, we can all travel together and do our assignments together, which helps me a lot in my studies. Kindly consider my request and change my section.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Roll No.- 23

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