Application For Leave In School For Going Out Of Station – 10+ Examples

Application For Leave In School For Going Out Of Station. Are you moving out of station and you want to give an application for leave in school. helps students and employes in writting an application for School, Colleges and many other official places where applications are required.

In this blog you will get various examples of application for leave in school for going out of station.

The Principal
[School Name]


Subject: Leave for Going Out of Station

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] as my family and I need to go out of station due to [brief reason].

Kindly grant me permission to be excused from school during this period.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Roll No.]

The Principal
[School Name]


Subject : Leave Application for 10 days.

Respected Sir/Madam,

With respect I wish to write about my forthcoming journey to my hometown as my uncle’s marriage is there this month to attend this marriage ceremony.

I will have to take leave for 10 days. kindly cooperate with me.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
[Roll No.]

The Principal
[School Name]


Respected Principal Ma’am,

I am Shreya, studying in Class 5 B. I request that you grant me go from 18 May 2022 to 25 May 2022 as my family is traveling out of town to attend a wedding. I will be out of the Station during this period.

I will complete all my homework and assignments once I return. Please allow me these seven days of leave as I have to accompany my family to this function. While out of town, I will be reachable on my father’s phone, 9876543210.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Class 5 (B)

The Principal
[School Name]


Respected Principal Ma’am,

I, Neha, from Class 10 A, wish to apply for leave from [Date] as I need to go to my hometown. My grandmother is ill, and I have to go there to see her. I will be out of the Station for these five days.

Please grant me leave during this period. I will cover up the syllabus and submit any classwork I miss once I return. I will be available on my mother’s phone at [9878901234] while I am away.

Please allow me this leave. I promise to take no further exit this year except for emergencies.

Thank you.

Yours obediently,
Class 10 A

The Principal
[School Name]


Respected Ma’am,

I am Mansi from Class 6 B. I request two days’ leave on [Date] as I urgently travel out of town for meaningful work.I sincerely apologize for informing you about this leave at the last moment. The outstation trip is unavoidable. I will leave in the morning of [Date] and return by the evening of  [Date].

I promise to complete all classwork and homework assigned these two days after I return. Please grant me leave for these dates as I need to travel outstation. I will not repeat such short notice.

Yours sincerely,
Class 6 B

The Principal
[School Name]


Respected Principal Ma’am,

I am Reema, mother of Riya, studying in Class 4 Section B, writing this application to request leave for my daughter from [Date]. I need to take her out of town to attend a family wedding during this period.

I sincerely apologize for the short notice and humbly request you to grant her leave for these dates. We will ensure she keeps up with her studies even while traveling. Once we return, she will complete all classwork and homework given during her absence.

Please allow her this leave. We promise not to disturb her studies like this again this year except for emergencies. Please let me know if you need any other details from my end.

Yours faithfully,
Reema Gupta (Mother of Riya),
Class 4 B)

The Principal
[School Name]


Subject : Leave Application for 7 days.

Respected sir,

I hereby convey to you that I will have to go to my native place as my son’s health is not proper there. I will have to stay there for his medical treatment.

so please sanction my leave for 7 days and also please allow some advance money for his treatment. I hope you will cooperate with me.

Thanks with regards
Hemant Sharma
Guard no. 3

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